Both Gender Neutral texts (I & II) are written in Modern Hebrew and English, the English text being an exact translation of the Hebrew. Any changes to the pronouns or other language within the text can be made. Just specify when ordering.   

This Ketubah witnesses before God and all those present that on the________day of the month of________ in the year five thousand seven hundred and _______, which corresponds to the____________ day of the month of __________in the year two thousand_____________as we reckon time here in___________, we __________ [daughter/son/child/etc.] of ______________ and________ , [son/daughter/child/etc.] of__________entered into the holy covenant of marriage. Standing under the chuppah we said to each other: As beloveds and friends we choose to walk life’s path together. We promise to share our joys and our sorrows; to talk and to listen; to appreciate and respect one another, with trust and love. In the wholeness of our Love, in the embrace of your Love, we, two separate sparks of the Divine, choose to join each other on the soul’s journey of life. We pledge to be equal partners, loving friends, and supportive companions all through our life. We will value and revere one another with honor and integrity as we create a loving future together. We promise to create a fertile environment for each other’s growth, letting our roots grow deep and entwined, nurturing our dreams to grow and flourish, helping each other become the people we are yet to be, determined to be ourselves, and cherishing each other’s uniqueness. We will create a closeness that will enable us to express our innermost thoughts and feelings. We promise to always be honest and open; to support each other through life’s challenges; to comfort one another through life’s sorrows; to share with each other life’s joys. We will build a home together and fill it with laughter, empathy, faith, imagination, trust, friendship, companionship, and love. A home in which holidays and traditions are celebrated in accordance with our Jewish heritage; a home devoted to learning, charity, and acts of kindness; a home where all are welcome. We will build a family and provide for its physical and emotional needs. We will teach our family courtesy and compassion and we will be role models for the values we teach our children. May our lives blossom together, our souls woven tight in the deepest intimacy. May we be ever mindful that our days together are a gift from God, and ever grateful to awaken each day together.

Groom/Bride ____________ Groom/Bride ____________
Witness ____________ Witness ____________
Officiant ____________